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Summer White Poppies, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Summer White Poppies, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Summer Wildflowers Stars Midnight, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Summer Wildflowers Stars Midnight, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Nasturtiums, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Nasturtiums, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Artichoke Thistle, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Artichoke Thistle, digital illustration, created with Adobe Fresco
Vegetables and Fruit
Spring Vegetables, digital illustration. Created with Adobe Fresco on ipad
Spring Vegetables, digital illustration. Created with Adobe Fresco on ipad
Kohlrabi, digital illustration. Created with Adobe Fresco on ipad
Kohlrabi, digital illustration. Created with Adobe Fresco on ipad
Coulter's Matilija Poppy, or California tree poppy, with hot neon colors for summer. I call these "fried egg flowers." Created with Adobe Fresco on ipad. 
Sunny nasturtiums growing wild in the summer. It's so interesting how they grow in groupings of orange or yellow, and in the places between, they are a blend of both. Focus on the intense colors and distinctive growth pattern of these familiar summer flowers.

Sunny Nasturtiums, digital illustration. Made with Adobe Fresco on ipad

A collection of summer wildflowers from Golden Gate Park. Focus on native color palette and heightened drama brought on by backgrounds and with animations.

Summer Flowers,digital work created with Adobe Fresco on ipad

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